The Mighty Jungle
I visited my parents yesterday, for the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. I found there a picture of myself and some friends from the time we sailed on the Tuichi River in Bolivia on a raft we built ourselves with machetes. Here is the picture and a legend:
Note that the picture is very dark, as it was taken in the night time.
I have to admit that looking at the picture, it seems that we are escaping from a prison. To make this post more in the spirit of my site I could have added one of the many prison riddles here, but I must say I am happy with this post just the way it is (maybe I will update it with a prison-riddle in the future).
This other cool picture I stumbled upon in my parents house, I call “What’s for Dinner?”:
I took it in the market of the city of Cusco, Peru.
Happy holidays!