Smart Disagreement
A group of very smart men perform an experiment. There are no restrictions on the men’s behaviour during the experiment. After the experiment is over, each of the men reveals to all the others everything that they know. Despite the fact that none of them lies and they all know of everything that happened, there are 2 individuals in the group that reach different scientific conclusions. Your task is to devise such an experiment.
Note that the experiment is scientific in that it does not concern individual tastes or opinions. All the men are assumed to come from similar backgrounds and have similar likings. The different conclusions regard real aspects of nature.
This one is a riddle of my own invention. I am really proud of it as it sounds impossible at first, but it can be resolved in a very satisfying fashion. I must admit that had I heard about it from someone else I would not have gone through the trouble of trying to solve it, as it sounds like a ”cheap-trick” riddle. I can only ask you to trust me that it is indeed a purely mathematical riddle. Although it did provoke several harsh disputes with some very smart people (Matan, Eyal, how are you guys?), I was able to finally convince them of the mathematical validity of my solution.