Two Envelopes
You write down 2 different numbers on 2 pieces of paper (one number on each piece). You put each piece of paper in a sealed envelope. I choose one of the envelopes randomly and open it. I then carry out a certain procedure at the end of which I know with a probability greater than \(\frac{1}{2}\) whether I received the larger or the smaller of the numbers. I can do this even if when you initially wrote down the numbers, you knew my decision procedure!
How can I do that? What is my trick?
Spoiler Alert - Solution Ahead!
Let’s start by solving a slightly easier version of the puzzle, where the numbers are whole numbers.
I take a coin, and flip it until I get heads, and count the number of tails that I got along the way. Denote this number of tails by T, and set S = T + 0.5. So if I got one tails and one heads, S would be 1.5. I then compare the number in the envelop I got to S, and switch if S is larger than the number I see. That’s it!
Why does this work?
Note that S can take on any of the values: 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, … with positive probability. That means that for any two numbers you write, \(x_1\) and \(x_2\), there is a positive probability that S is between them, i.e.: \(x_1 \lt S \lt x_2\).
Consider 3 cases:
- S is smaller than both \(x_1\) and \(x_2\).
- S is larger than both \(x_1\) and \(x_2\).
- S is between \(x_1\) and \(x_2\).
In case 1, I will always keep the first envelope I got, so I have exactly 50% change of getting the larger number. Likewise, in case 2, I will always switch the envelope that I got, again resulting in exactly 50% chance of getting the larger number. In case 3 though, I am guaranteed to always get the larger envelope! Since case 3 happens with positive probability, the overall probability of me getting the larger envelope is larger than 50%. Indeed:
\[P(\text{win}) = 0.5 \times P(\text{case 1}) + 0.5 \ times P(\text{case 2}) + 1.0 \ times P(\text{case 3})\]Or:
\(P(\text{win}) = 0.5 + 0.5 \ times P(\text{case 3}) \gt 0.5\). \(\blacksquare\)
Note that while positive, the probability for case 3 shrinks exponentially and while I will always be able to get an advantage, you can make this advantage extremely small by choosing large numbers.
Solving for General Real Numbers
Note that the only thing I needed in order for the solution above to work, is to be able to generate a number between your two numbers with positive probability. That is trivially easy to do for general real numbers as well - just take any bijection f between the natural numbers \(\mathbb{N}\) and the rational numbers \(\mathbb{Q}\), flip a coin and calculate T like above, and instead of defining S as T + 0.5, define \(S = f(T)\). \(\blacksquare\)