Piece of Cake
In this post you will find a collection of very easy puzzles - enjoy!
Cutting the Cake
How can you cut a circular cake to eight even pieces with 3 cuts? What is the maximum number of pieces possible with 4 cuts?
Colorblind Pills
You have a rare and fatal disease. The only cure for your disease is taking one Biaxin pill (which is blue) and one Robaxin pill (which is red) exactly at midnight, for two days. I.e. you have to take one of each today at midnight and one of each tomorrow at midnight, for a total of four pills. You have exactly four pills (two of each kind) at your disposal. The pills, apart from being in different colors, are identical in appearance.
Now, in addition to your fatal illness, you are also colorblind. How can you save yourself?
Note that in order to be saved you have to take the pills exactly as described above - e.g. taking all four pills at the same time will get you killed!
And no - there aren’t other people that can help you, etc…
Cup of Coffee, Fuck of Tea
You have a cup of coffee and a cup of milk, both containing the same (unspecified) amount of liquid. You take one spoon full of milk and put it in the coffee. You mix well. You then return a spoon full of the mixture to the cup of milk. Which is more: milk in coffee or coffee in milk?
The title is taken from the famous Israeli movie Operation Grandma.
Thanks to Misha Seltzer for this riddle.
The Virgin Islands
You are shipwrecked on the Virgin Islands (since Chuck Norris visited them, they are known simply as The Islands). You know that there are three tribes in the Islands: The Liatu tribe, that always lies, the Honestu tribe, that always tells the truth, and the Randomu tribe that answers randomly to every question asked. As you wander around the Islands, you come across 3 tribesmen. By the way they are dressed you can tell that they belong to different tribes (i.e. there is one member of each tribe) but you do not know to which tribe they belong. The native language on the Islands is French, which you speak fluently. It is well known that in French you can only ask “yes-no” questions. You are also familiar with an ancient tradition on the Islands, that says that it is impolite to ask more than 2 questions (each addressed to one specific person) per conversation, no más. You are standing at a fork and need to decide whether to go left or right. How can you get your information?